Sol-19 Movie Database/Search Engine

'); output.document.write('

Sol-19 Search Results

'); output.document.write('
'); output.document.write(' The Keyword(s) you searched : '.big() ) for (i=1; i<=keywords[0]; i++) { output.document.write( keywords[i].bold() +" "); } output.document.write('
'); if (found[0]==0) { //alert(found[0]); output.document.write('
'); output.document.write("Sorry, but we can't find any movies to match what you searched. Please try a different spelling or search for another title.
"); output.document.write("
"); } else { // data has been found output.document.write("
The Results of the search are : "); output.document.write( found[0] +" matching movie title(s) found ".italics()); output.document.write(""); for (i=1; i<=found[0];i++) { output.document.write("
"); output.document.write("

" +i +"

"); output.document.write("
"); itemp=found[i]; output.document.write(desc[itemp].bold() +"
" + links[itemp].link(links[itemp])+"
"); temp= (matched[itemp]/keywords[0])*100 output.document.write(" Matched with keywords :: " +temp+" % " ); matched[itemp]=0 } found[0]=0; output.document.write("
"); } output.document.write ('
This search was created by Sol, with thanks to Satadip Dutta � Sol and Dutta 1997-2000'); output.document.write ("
"); //output.document.write ("
"); output.document.write("
Click on BACK button to return to search."); //output.document.write (""); output.document.write (

"); output.document.close(); }

Movie Information Database/Search Engine

This search will search for web pages on movies within the Sol-19 Database. Those page will contain information about the movie featured.
NOTE: The database is still under construction. We only currently have only 00009 movies in the database.

This is a search engine implemented in Javascript. You will need a Java Script enabled browser to run this search.
This search engine was made for use with Internet Explorer. It MAY not work in Netscape Navigator or any other browsers such as Opera or Hot Java.

  • This search is NOT case sensitive.
  • To clear what you've written press the RETURN/ENTER key.
  • Put "+" between keywords in a list if using more than one keywords.
  • Keywords:

    Free JavaScripts provided
    by The JavaScript Source

  • Sol-19 compiled by Sol 2000
  • This search was created by Sol with thanks to Satadip Dutta 1997

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